[ExI] A question to the moderators WAS: Self-directedEvolutionand the Future of Man
Natasha Vita-More
natasha at natasha.cc
Mon May 17 15:59:34 UTC 2010
The issue had nothing, abolutely nothing, to do with me. The issue was
between Fabio and Stefano.
Nlogo1.tif Natasha Vita-More
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of spike
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 9:20 PM
To: 'ExI chat list'
Subject: Re: [ExI] A question to the moderators WAS:
Self-directedEvolutionand the Future of Man
> ...
> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:24 PM, <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote:
> Hi Fabio,
> I'll let Max and Spike respond fro themselves, but it took me a few
> minutes to figure out precisely what you are referring to...
> If this is correct and Stefano is making this accusation, no it is
> not acceptable.
> Max? Spike?
> Natasha
I do confess I am most puzzled by all this.
Natasha accidentally posted to the main list something that she intended as
a private offlist, an opinion, nothing particularly harmful (shortly after I
think I did the same thing), she graciously and profusely apologized, more
than I thought necessary. Looks to me like that should have been the end of
it. Ja?
A couple years ago I recall a vitriolic exchange that ended up putting
several of the Italian posters on my watch list. I realized at the time
that surely there had to be circumstances or exchanges going on behind the
scenes that I didn't know about and wouldn't understand even had I seen
them. From what I read on ExI-chat, I was then and I am now at a loss to
explain how these quarrels start and sustain themselves.
Friends, do let us lift up each other, and recognize that we have common
shared goals. If nothing else, let us think of that guy, old
whats-his-name, I always forget, starts with a J perhaps, that cat with all
the songs and churches, hmmm, oh yes Jesus Christ. He thinks we should
forgive each other. If they had had trolling and flaming back in those
days, he probably woulda been agin' it.
I am way behind in reading the posts (camping trip!), but it seems to me
that the conflict is actually political, and I don't pretend to understand
all the subtleties. I urge all involved to forgive and move on, without
trying to explain to the whole world their side of a baffling conflict,
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