[ExI] hot processors?

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Nov 3 17:33:27 UTC 2010

... On Behalf Of BillK
>Oh-oh.  I just did a search on 'HP Pavilion dv7 overheating' and it looks
like you've bought a problem laptop.  Do the search and you'll see what I

Did that yesterday, found the same site you did, bought the cooler stand,
now it seems to be working fine.  Turns out I incorrectly concluded that it
had overheated before.  There is a setting that defaults to turning itself
to sleep mode if all four processor cores are working at full bore for an
hour.  I reset that to never sleep while the power cord is plugged in, and
it ran all night last night, and returned a buttload of useful results.

>Is there any chance of returning it and getting your money back?
>Best of luck!       BillK

I will run it full bore for a few nights.  If it works, then I will be
satisfied with it.


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