[ExI] Let's play What If.
Alan Grimes
agrimes at speakeasy.net
Thu Nov 11 21:48:10 UTC 2010
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Alan Grimes wrote:
>> I don't group ideas with things that have tangible reality.
> I don't either, ideas are far more important than tangible reality crap.
> You don't have ideas you are ideas and its irrelevant what hardware
> happens to think you.
Absurd because ideas can't think of ideas. I can think of ideas so
therefore I'm not any set of ideas.
>> For example, a brain exists, it's tangible.
> What an object does is less tangible than the object itself, but I don't
> care, mind is more important than brain; at least it is in this mind's
> opinion.
Because I'm a strict monist, I can't imagine any way through which the
two can be separated. All such proposals are inherently irrational
religious thinking.
(Due to recent threads, I am now highlighting the strictly monistic
nature of my viewpoints.)
>> However a computer simulation of a brain has no tangible reality
> If so then computer or even calculator arithmetic has no tangible
> reality so you'd better not use one on your tax returns if you want to
> stay out of jail;
Who said I filed tax returns?
At this time in our history the government is completely evil.
If you are a moral and upright human being, you would become a 1099
worker and never file any forms of any kind with the government.
Furthermore, and more importantly, you must never accept any money or
special benefit from the government.
I like having a roof over my head so I pay my property tax ($6k/yr!),
but I do not do business with the fedz.
> but on second thought that really is not a problem
> because the brain simulating Alan Grimes has no tangible reality either
> and you can't put a nonexistent entity in prison.
>> even a microscopic examination of the computer chips will not reveal it!
> But a microscopic examination of the neurons in your brain will?!!
Stick a few electrodes on my skull and you'll see my EEG, you can even
determine my state of consciousness from it. Combining that with
anatomical evidence, you can prove that a brain is a person.
If you do the same to a computer you will not be able to detect any
differences except for the general level of computational activity,
which has no inherent relationship to the state of the upload.
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