[ExI] Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, Singularitarian Principles. Update?

Aleksei Riikonen aleksei at iki.fi
Fri Nov 12 21:11:27 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Richard Loosemore <rpwl at lightlink.com> wrote:
> Singularity Utopia wrote:
>> Thanks Richard Loosemore, regarding the SL4 route to contact Eliezer,
>> that's exactly the info I needed.
>> John Grigg, you say I may not be allowed to stay long on the SL4 list? Why
>> is this, are Singularitarians an intolerant group leaning towards fascism?
> Er.... you may be misunderstanding the situation.  ;-)
> You will be unwelcome and untolerated on SL4, because:
> a)  The singularity is, for Eliezer, a power struggle.  It is a matter of
> which personality "owns" these ideas .... who determines the agenda, who is
> seen as the pre-eminent power broker .... who has the largest army of
> volunteers to spread the message.   And in that situation, you, my friend,
> are a Threat.  Even if your ideas were more sensible than his you would be
> attacked and denounced, for the simple reason that you would not be meekly
> conforming to the standard view of the singularity (as defined by The Wise
> One).

Might as well comment on Loosemore's mudslingings for a change...

Richard Loosemore is himself one of the very few people who have ever
been kicked out from SL4 (the vast majority of people who strongly
disagree with e.g. Eliezer of course haven't been kicked out), and
ever since he has been talking nasty about Eliezer.

Apparently Loosemore's beliefs now include e.g. that the person
calling himself "Singularity Utopia" would be felt by Eliezer to be a
threat :)  In light of such statements, I invite people to make their
own judgements on how clearheaded Loosemore manages to be when
commenting on Eliezer.

To Singularity Utopia: You are free to join SL4, as everyone is
(though that list indeed isn't used much these days). But I'm quite
certain joining will not result in you successfully managing to
contact Eliezer, and it is *not* appropriate to join just for that
reason; that would be abuse of the list (even though the contact
attempt would likely fail).

As Eliezer notes on his homepages that you have read, the primary way
to contact him is email. It's just that he gets so much email,
including from a large number of crazy people, that he of course
doesn't answer them all. (You, unfortunately, are one of those crazy
people who pretty surely will be ignored. So in the end, on this
matter it would be appropriate of you to accept that -- like all
people -- Eliezer should have the right to choose who he spends his
time talking to, and that he most likely would not want to correspond
with you.)

Aleksei Riikonen - http://www.iki.fi/aleksei

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