[ExI] Singularity

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Nov 16 15:54:07 UTC 2010

... On Behalf Of Alan Grimes

>That is remarkably true. As far as I can gather there is an extremely rude
and vocal contingient that says that no matter what the future may bring, it
will involve destructively scanning the brain. However, when pressed for any
other details they all give different answers...

Being destructively scanned is one scenario, but not the one I would
consider most likely.  Rather imagine that you are uploaded
nondestructively, then your physical body contains enough raw material to
create six billion copies of your upload or others like it.  Then others may
decide your carbon based body is using up a lot of potential thought space.
And besides, it would not survive anyway, once the other raw materials on
the planet are used for making computronium.

>Yes, it also seems impossible for some people to accept the simple fact
that I do not want to upload, and therefore this becomes an insurmountable
stumbling block... It's almost as if that my refusal to accept uploading is
bringing the movement to a screeching halt, and that it will resume at full
pace only after I agree to drink the kool-aid.  Alan Grimes

What I see as a possibility is that an emergent AI could honor your wishes,
then just wait until you perish of natural causes to convert your atoms to
computronium.  We need an AI that is friendly indeed, if we have any hope of
having it decide that your wishes are more important than the 6 billion
similar simulated souls it could construct out of you.


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