[ExI] The atoms red herring. =|

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Fri Nov 19 16:01:27 UTC 2010

>> The subset cannot contain more than the set.

> That's the wrong diagram.

> Think of two intersecting sets instead.  The Union of
> the two sets is greater than one of them. 

Where are you getting the extra stuff from? VR is an inherently
uninteresting subset of the universe. (because it appears to be
fundamentally impossible to obtain additional stuff from outside the
universe.) So building a VR system may or may not make baseline reality
more complex and add a pattern that hadn't previously existed, but then
by definition baseline reality includes all possible VRs.

> Nobody (except you) is claiming that uploading would
> be a one-way trip to a virtual world totally
> disconnected from the rest of reality. 

The proposals I've seen, especially from Spike, indicate that all of
base reality will be paved over like a wallmart parking lot, cuz
everything will be either a star or computronium. Because of that,
uploading will effectively be a one-way trip. =(

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