[ExI] The coming "Methuselarity"

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 10:20:06 UTC 2010

Aubrey deGrey stated on the "I Look Forward To" website:
"I estimate that the Methuselarity* will be reached with medicines
that get people to live 30 years longer than they otherwise would,
i.e. that push the maximum lifespan out to 150. There will be a small
"cusp" - a small period when we can get people to 150 but no further -
and that will translate into a small number of people who reach 150
but still die of old age because we couldn't QUITE rejuvenate them
fast enough. So the first person to reach 150 will almost certainly
not reach 200. But the first person to reach 200 will have a pretty
good chance of reaching 1000."

I love the term "Methuselarity!"  : )



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