[ExI] TransVision 2010 – New confirmed speakers
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 18:42:12 UTC 2010
TransVision 2010 – New confirmed speakers
The following speakers will give talks at TransVision 2010, which
brings the number of confirmed speakers to 37 (unfortunately Jamais
Cascio will not be able to be with us). Other speakers will be
announced in a few days.
Graziano Cecchini is an Italian artist and activist, one of the
principal exponents of the Futurist avant-garde. He is well known for
his unscheduled “surprise” performances in crowded landmarks, like
dumping a bottle of dye into the famed Trevi Fountain in Rome, turning
the waters blood-red for a day. This performance has been covered by
the New York Times and the “Trespass: Uncommissioned Public Art”
Dr Suzanne Gildert is currently working as an Experimental Physicist
at D-Wave Systems, Inc. She is involved in the design and testing of
large scale superconducting processors for Quantum Computing
Applications. Suzanne obtained her PhD and MSci degree from The
University of Birmingham UK, focusing on the areas of experimental
quantum device physics and superconductivity.
Danila Medvedev is a Russian futurologist (specializing in the science
and future of Russia), a politician and a member of coordination
council of the Russian Transhumanistic Movement. He is also one of
founders and the general director of KrioRus (since May, 2005), the
first cryonics company outside of the United States. Since August 2008
he works as a Chief Planning Officer and a Vice-President of the
“Science for Life Extension” Foundation in Moscow, Russia. See the
Interview with Danila Medvedev by Sky News.
Valerija Pride is a Transhumanist and President of KrioRus, the first
cryonics company outside of the United States, whose recent scientific
work includes work on the very promising Human Aging System Diagram
Vitaliano Teti is associated with the Department of Audio Visual
Production of the University of Ferrara. Since 4 years he is the Art
Director of the international video art festival “The Scientist“, an
emerging festival in the Italian video art scene. An expert in film
and video theories, language and techniques, Teti is also a director
and producer of creative documentaries and independent films.
TransVision 2010 is a global transhumanist conference and community
convention, organized by several transhumanist activists, groups and
organizations, under the executive leadership of the Italian
Transhumanist Association (AIT) and with the collaboration of an
Advisory Board. The event will take place on October 22, 23 and 24,
2010 in Milan, Italy with many options for remote online access.
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