[ExI] Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic

Natasha Vita-More natasha at natasha.cc
Sun Oct 10 14:18:52 UTC 2010

Spike wrote:

From: BillK pharos at gmail.com

>...I liked the sentence:  The car can be programmed for different 
>driving personalities — ...Made me wonder what will happen when all the 
>rednecks get their cars tuned up to 'very very aggressive' and 'f**k the
speed limits'.
> :)...BillK

"BillK, that isn't rednecks who drive like that.  Perhaps you were thinking
of BMW drivers?  Rednecks would be more likely to take their time, wave to
oncoming pickup trucks from their pickup trucks, spit a chaw of terbacker,
being careful to not get any on their huntin' rifles hanging on a rack in
the back winder."

Yup.  These uneducated,unsophisticated stereotype of poor southern white
people is funny but they worked hard to get their red necks.  What is
interesting is that they were once referred to as "wool hat boys" and in
modern hiphop culture, including some gang rap culture, the woll hat as a
anti-establishment statement, often considered to be stylish.  

What is really syle-savvy is the redneck joke-monger Jeff Foxworthy.  

In his youth:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCIYHVWt_DA&feature=related



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