[ExI] [Transumanisti] Sound of Silence
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 13:28:10 UTC 2010
Welcome back to the H+ scene Stefano, and I hope you will recover
fully and soon.
You had a very loud wake-up call to the fact that we are caged in
frail bodies, but we all will have to gradually realize this over the
next few decades. I am persuaded we need better solutions.
Best - G.
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Stefano Vaj <stefano.vaj at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been away from the H+ scene for a while owing to the problems
> related to a very extensive, and sofar entirely asymptomatic,
> cholesteatoma (a "benign" ear tumor), discovered during a more-or-less
> occasional checkup, which required some radical, semi-urgent surgery.
> In fact, while death remained a rather remote prospective, I would
> have had otherwise to be ready to welcome increasing bone and neural
> damage, permanent deafness, meningitis, hydrocephalus, and ultimately
> the loss of pieces of brain through my ear and nose... :-)
> Such surgery, which I had to undertake while feeling in perfect shape,
> involved in turn hospitalisation, and a number of consequences such as
> the section of my chorda tympany nerve (leading to the loss of my
> sense of taste for the side concerned and to the realisation of how
> much the related gratifications were important in my life...),
> vertigo, persistent dizzyness, dramatic albeit unilateral loss of
> hearing, sleep disorders, not to mention lots of simple, old-fashioned
> pain which, believe me, is irritating enough even for a Zen
> transhumanist warrior. :-)
> On the bright side, in ten months or so I should be able to recover
> some of my hearing (and stereophony) through some additional,
> reconstructive surgery; and I should anyway be operational enough by
> the time when Transvision 2010 takes place in Milan not to miss the
> opportunity to welcome participants and speakers in the name of the
> Associazione Italiana Transumanisti together with Giulio Prisco and
> Riccardo Campa.
> This experience, which affected a basically "wet" transhumanist who is
> very much in love with, and proud of, his personal body and its
> current performances, besides giving me ample opportunities to
> reconsider the charms of mind uploading ;-) has made me if anything
> more acutely aware of how primitive and crude even the best treatments
> money can buy still are, and how most great breakthroughs in medicine
> actually have taken place roughly in the period 1850-1970, till their
> lamentable slowing down to a crawl during current years in spite of
> all the media hype still surrounding them.
> We may be spending - and perhaps wasting - a lot in health care in
> most western society, but the legal, cultural, educational, ethical,
> financial framework is hardly what it should for fundamental research
> and innovation if we really wanted to invert this trend.
> --
> Stefano Vaj
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