[ExI] Gregory Stock (was: Re: Towards a new transhumanist movement.)
Max More
max at maxmore.com
Thu Oct 14 17:28:22 UTC 2010
Spike: Greg is doing fine. I talked with him not long ago (he's
contributing to The Transhumanist Reader). These days he's focused
mainly on his business, Signum Biosciences:
He on the board:
>Where the heck is Gregory Stock these days? He used to hang out here
>occasionally back in the 90s, was at one of the Extroschmoozes (was it 3?
>4?) but then we haven't heard from him in a long time. It was after Metaman
>was published, because that was the lunch conversation as I recall. Metaman
>didn't have uploading either, but was into greater interconnectivity of
>meat-level humans. His vision has come to pass very nicely in most ways.
>Anyone here buddies with Dr. Stock?
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