[ExI] Benoit Mandelbrot
Darren Greer
darren.greer3 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 03:08:59 UTC 2010
A Mandebrot set zoom accompanied by musician Jonthanan Coultan's song
"Mandelbrot Set." Seems like a fitting tribute. I was introduced to
Mandelbrot sets and fractals by an ex, who was using them in his computer
music compositions and art installations.
2010/10/17 spike <spike66 at att.net>
> ... I've had fun with the Mandelbrot set over the years, the first program
> I ever wrote generated one... John K Clark
> Mandelbrot's work blew my mind and changed my life. My first computer (a
> Vic20) was put to work generating Mandelbrot sets in 1983.
> spike
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"I don't regret the kingdoms. What sense in borders and nations and
patriotism? But I miss the kings."
-*Harold and Maude*
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