[ExI] VIDEO: Max Hodak on Brain-machine interfacing, Teleplace, October 17
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 11:16:49 UTC 2010
VIDEO - Max Hodak on Brain-machine interfacing: current work and
future directions, Teleplace, October 17
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Max Hodak on Brain-machine interfacing: current work and future
> directions, Teleplace, October 17, 10am PST
> http://telexlr8.wordpress.com/2010/10/11/max-hodak-on-brain-machine-interfacing-current-work-and-future-directions-teleplace-october-17-10am-pst/
> http://www.carboncopies.org/asim-experts-series-brain-machine-interfacing-current-work-and-future-directions-max-hodak
> Max Hodak will give an ASIM Expert Series talk in Teleplace on
> “Brain-machine interfacing: current work and future directions” on
> Sunday October 17, 2010, at 10am PST (1pm EST, 6pm UK, 7pm CET). Those
> who already have Teleplace accounts for teleXLR8 can just ahow up at
> the talk. There are a limited number of seats available for others,
> please contact Giulio Prisco if you wish to attend.
> Abstract: Fluid, two-way brain-machine interfacing represents one of
> the greatest challenges of modern bioengineering. It offers the
> potential to restore movement and speech to the locked-in, and
> ultimately allow us as humans to expand far beyond the biological
> limits we’re encased in now. But, there’s a long road ahead. Today,
> noninvasive BMIs are largely useless as practical devices and invasive
> BMIs are critically limited, though progress is being made everyday.
> Microwire array recording is used all over the world to decode motor
> intent out of cortex to drive robotic actuators and software controls.
> Electrical intracortical microstimulation is used to “write”
> information to the brain, and optogenetic methods promise to make that
> easier and safer. Monkey models can perform tasks from controlling a
> walking robot to feeding themselves with a 7-DOF robotic arm. Before
> we’ll be able to make the jump to humans, biocompatibility of
> electrodes and limited channel counts are significant hurdles that
> will need to be crossed. These technologies are still in their
> infancy, but they’re a huge opportunity in science for those motivated
> to help bring them through to maturity.
> Max Hodak is a scientist-in-training working on brain-machine
> interfacing at Duke. He founded Quantios to use computing, machine
> learning to improve life. American, French dual citizen.
> Teleplace is one of the best 3D applications for telework, online
> meetings, group collaboration, and e-learning in a virtual 3D
> environment (v-learning). Those who already have Teleplace accounts
> for teleXLR8 can just ahow up at the talk. There are a limited number
> of seats available for others, please contact Giulio Prisco if you
> wish to attend.
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