[ExI] Psi in a major science journal, J. Personality and Social Psychology
spike66 at att.net
Wed Oct 20 20:13:09 UTC 2010
> ...On Behalf Of Keith Henson
> Personality and Social Psychology
> Applicable
> http://xkcd.com/808/
Ja, I am the first to admit QM works. I was right there in the physics lab
in college with the double slit experiment, saw it, went crazy, saw it
again, repeat. Five years later at China Lake, I just couldn't quite
believe what I had seen, so I reproduced the experiment, and it still did
exactly what QM predicted. I have never been able to get my mind around the
notion that a particle can somehow metaphorically or mechanically split
apart and pass thru two different holes simultaneously, then recombine.
Alternately (for temporal vs spacial fans) that a wave can somehow undulate
backwards and forwards in time and interfere with itself.
Either explanation boggles the hell outta my mind, and I can't help getting
the feeling there must be (there MUST BE!) some alternate explanation that
no one has thought of yet. Please anyone here, I am open to suggestion,
waaaay open: how and why does the double slit experiment work?
I don't see wasting perfectly good money on psychadelic drugs, when one can
blow the hell outta one's mind for free, just by pondering that one simple
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