[ExI] Psi in a major science journal, J. Personality and Social Psychology

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Oct 21 14:32:30 UTC 2010

On 10/20/2010 3:30 PM, Isabelle Hakala wrote:

> I *did* read the paper, at least through the end of the first
> experiment, and honestly, unless they post the CODE for the program,
> there is no way to know if there is a cheat involved.

Prof. Bem tells me:

<I will be including the source code for all the experiments in my 
replication packages. Several of my experiments that use subliminal 
presentations also have an experimenter's option to run it without the 
mask so you can score each trial by hand to make sure the program itself 
is not "cheating" by watching the participant's input.>

 > I didn't have time
> to read the entire 65 page document

Prof. Bem notes that by Isabelle's own admission she

<never got to the section of my article where I discuss replication 
issues... [nor did she] read the section on the use of random inputs, 
which would falsify [the] hypothesis about the program's cheating.>

Damien Broderick

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