[ExI] Psi in a major science journal, J. Personality and Social Psychology.
scerir at alice.it
Sun Oct 24 17:15:43 UTC 2010
> But if his typing is accepted by Nature or Science or Physical Review Letters, you would
> have to be extraordinarily gullible to accept such impossible claims just because a
> handful of nameless referees who also know how to type recommended publication to an
> equally gullible editor.
> Damien Broderick
Konstantin Novoselov says something about why Nature rejected his famous paper
on "graphene".
"The interesting thing is that the first paper, the one in Science, was originally
submitted to Nature and, of course, it was rejected, because.well, I don't know why. The
referee told us it was interesting, but we should measure this, that, and the other thing
in addition, and then maybe they'd consider it for publication. It's now three years later
and all those requirements made originally by the Nature referee are still not measured.
Nonetheless, we improved our paper a bit and then published it half a year later in
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