[ExI] Fwd: [universalimmortalism] Collaboration in Europe and Beyond
Bryan Bishop
kanzure at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 19:01:12 UTC 2010
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <robomoon at nexgo.de>
Date: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 1:46 PM
Subject: [universalimmortalism] Collaboration in Europe and Beyond
To: universalimmortalism at yahoogroups.com
What do you think when SfUI is getting engaged in the below effort, just to
help out a bit for a rather international cooperation?
As announced at the group People towards Cryonics for the future existence
of Humans http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=103217190633 and posted to
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=140524639870&topic=16654 at the
Asteromed association's group to follow up a European collaboration for the
preservation of humans: Seeking Free Cryonics at CryoFreedom. A new proposal
for a contract between Asteromed and CryoFreedom http://cryofreedom.ru/ in
which we welcomed their initiator Alexey Immorta Potapov. It's our honor to
direct the following idea to him:
(beginning of draft)
This proposal is about a contract for the funding of cryopreservation and
related services. This non-exclusive contract has to be between Asteromed
and its members (client) and CryoFreedom (provider). The client agrees to
pay a funding fee to the provider. The funding fee will be $4,000 payable
within 5 years (until the end of 2015). The fee can be paid in many
discretionary installments. The amount of $4,000 consists of the actual
$3,000 price for cryosusupension plus $1,000 for an interest rate of
something more than 5 percent per year for 5 years.
After the funding fee has been fully settled by the client, the provider
must be willing to cryopreserve one single member from the client in one
occasion that might become necessary within the next 50 years. So the
contract is allowing a waiting time of up to 50 years (until the end of
2060), because the occasion when cryopreservation might occur is uncertain.
When cryopreservation hasn't occurred within this waiting time, the contract
will be fulfilled and the client will not seek refunding from the provider.
(end of draft)
An arrangement as described above is suited to grant free cryonics to the
first of our Asteromed members who wants cryosuspension in an emergency
situation while being unable to finance it. Being unable could be due to
reasons like social hardship in connection with someone's family members who
aren't supportive to cryonics or because of something like personal
bankruptcy. We don't hope that such hardship or bankruptcy will happen to
one of our members, but it's better to being prepared - just like having
insurance. Asteromed has always been free, we never receive money from
earnings like donations and there were never membership fees to pay. We can
have financial liabilities which are getting compensated by privately paid
commitments from our members.
Today it occurred to me that Alexey Immorta Potapov responded to the above:
(beginning of resp.) I dindn't saw this proposal. Why dont you send it to me
5 mont ago? -- Please notify conditions of cryonics patient present at
Moscow or Voronezh, Russia. We do not ship from elswhere for the moment.
(end of resp.)
It's so convenient to post messages to related groups while anyone can
comment on them. Of cause, conditions of cryonics patient present at Moscow
would be all right. That's where the great airport is and many trains are.
Somehow it looks like as if it may be easyer for the client to make the
payments to CryoFreedom by Western Union. Previously, the bank data I had on
the contract from KrioRus contained some numbers and I was so confused. So
far I was unable figure what numbers to fill in the blanks for various
accounts on the form for international money transfer a local bank in
Germany had. It seems as if Western Union would probably be easy enough for
me to figure how to make payments with. BTW, it may happen now that a needy
Asteromed member might still be living in 50 years. So these clauses would
be convenient to add to the proposal: 1: It is entirely within the
provider's discretion that the contract should be extended to work for more
than 50 years. 2: Conditions of cryonics patient present at Moscow. 3:
Payment with Western Union.
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- Bryan
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