[ExI] teleXLR8 Project News - a telepresence community for cultural acceleration

Giulio Prisco giulio at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 13:41:54 UTC 2010

teleXLR8 Project News - a telepresence community for cultural acceleration

We have been running the teleXLR8 project, a telepresence community
for cultural acceleration based on Teleplace, in semi-stealth beta
mode for a few months since the first talk by Anders Sandberg on
Neuroselves and exoselves: distributed cognition inside and outside
brains on April 18, 2010. We have produced some great events, talks by
well known experts of futuristic technologies, meetings of closed
working groups, and a two day "mixed reality" satellite workshop with
the Singularity Summit 2010.

teleXLR8 has been running as a free, invitation-only beta on the
Teleplace servers and network infrastructure since March 2010. Due to
the limited resources available we have only promoted teleXLR8 in the
relatively small community of future studies and "Singularity"
enthusiasts. Even so, we have received many more requests to join than
we could handle, and the project has been frequently covered by the
blogosphere and the online press. The current beta group has about 80
members. Each talk has been recorded on video and posted to the video
sharing site blip.tv the day after the talk. The videos have been seen
by several thousands of viewers and covered by important technology
oriented sites including internetACTU, IEET, KurzweilAI, H+ Magazine,
Next Big Future and Slashdot.

We have now reached an agreement with Teleplace, which will permit
running the project in fully operational mode our own dedicated
servers, network and support infrastructure, and opening it to
everyone for a very reasonable membership fee. The current beta will
continue until the start of the next phase, and all members of the
current beta group will receive extended free membership. Sponsor
slots are available.

We will produce great and frequent online events, featuring first
class speakers with world-changing ideas, available in interactive
realtime telepresence. teleXLR8 can be thought of as an online open
TED, using modern telepresence technology for ideas worth spreading,
and as a next generation, fully interactive TV network with a
participative audience. In the pictures, participants are watching the
recent talk by Ben Goertzel on TV. At any moment, they can step in to
comment, discuss and ask questions.

For a more detailed description of the project's goals, see our
mini-manifesto Telepresence Education for a Smarter World on the IEET
site and the interview MIND and MAN: Getting Mental with Giulio
Prisco, by Natasha Vita-More, on H+ Magazine.

Besides the existing Facebook Group and Linkedin Group, we have
created a teleXLR8 mailing list on Google Groups. Please feel free to
join the mailing list to discuss the project.


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