[ExI] #Pound[was Lions etc]

ablainey at aol.com ablainey at aol.com
Wed Sep 29 05:01:02 UTC 2010


What is it with people using # (Hash) and saying pound?  There is a perfectly good £ (pound) sign on the keyboard.
 £ being the British Pound sterling, or one pound of sterling silver as it used to be. The £ symbol is just a stylised Lb (Pound).
I have a key dedicated to a 'wavy window' symbol but can't find a spiky leaf key anywhere. So surely techno hippies would be very happy to have a (Hash) symbol?!

I can only conclude this is part of the newspeak and a NWO effort to make people forget our currency was once something more than worthless fiat paper. Having historically been backed by precious metal.



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