[ExI] Efficiency of wind power

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Apr 18 00:01:07 UTC 2011

>... On Behalf Of Kelly Anderson

>...Thank you very much for this clarification. I somehow missed the
difference between fission and nuclear decay. Lord Kelvin estimated the age
of the earth at something around 8000 years based on the cooling without the
nuclear component...-Kelly

Reference please, but I very much disagree.  For history of science fans,
this is an interesting chapter.  Before anyone heard of radioactivity, the
devout Christian Lord Kelvin had done a calculation that showed the earth
was at least 20 million years old.  That piece of mathematics was
*remarkably* sophisticated.  I went through that analysis line by line in my
misspent youth, learned about Bessel functions that way.


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