[ExI] Gout and meat adaptations

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Apr 20 15:39:33 UTC 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of J. Stanton
Subject: [ExI] Gout and meat adaptations

Spike wrote:
>> Humans radiated out of Africa long enough ago that they would have 
> been time for digestive systems to evolve variations dependent on 
> where the genetically isolated subgroups of humans evolved.  For 
> instance, the Inuits have developed the ability to subsist entirely on 
> meat, whereas the Europeans tend to develop gout and ketosis if we try

>...I love you, Spike, but there are a couple problems here.

>...First, the idea that meat (or purines in general) cause gout is an old
myth.  Fructose is the primary driver of blood uric acid, and, therefore,

Cool thanks J. 

What do you think of my notion that human groups radiated long enough ago
that some (limited) digestive system adaptations and genetic drift have had
time to occurr, which allow some humans to do things with their diet that
others cannot do?  Seems like there should be plenty of documentation on
variation of digestive system anatomy within the species.


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