[ExI] telomere measurement in s.a.

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Apr 27 05:48:02 UTC 2011


Hey cool, this month's Scientific American mentions two companies who offer
a measurement of telomeres:




We have been debating caloric restriction here for years, but the
effectiveness is wildly difficult to assess.  One's attitude towards it
appears to depend on how much one does CR oneself.  This may be just the
development we need.  I have long had the notion that CR extends life, that
mild CR is nearly painless and somewhat beneficial, and that slowing aging
may also slow telomere attrition.  I hope so, for if that is the case, we
can take the results from this company and actually determine how much
benefit (if any) can be gained from mild CR vs the more severe and rigorous
forms of the practice.


Does anyone here know these folks doing the telomerase measurements?  If so,
do point out to them that client privacy can be maintained while creating a
database of enormous value.  They could even set it up on a volunteer basis,
where the clients would agree to allow their information to be placed in a
database, with the agreement to protect the information from escaping to a
life insurance company for instance.  This data has unknown and potentially
priceless benefit for all mankind.


What else can we do with the data besides estimate the effectiveness of CR?
Could we not create a calculus of variation model to estimate the life
extension value of various other health notions?  Vitamin supplements?
Exercise?  Wine?  What else?







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