[ExI] Discontent with the path physics is taking

scerir scerir at alice.it
Sat Aug 27 07:04:22 UTC 2011

Dennis May:

The Witten lecture is fairly long. Any specifics
on what would be a good reason to follow string
theory? I've never heard a good one yet.


#  String theory is not a theory. It is not a well-defined set of equations,
with real predictive solutions. Rather - as Wilczek pointed out - it is,
at present time, a collection of interesting ideas. 

Various inflation bubble theories are all the rage right
now. Rage #27 likely to last for a few years until rage
#28 is the new rage.

A sample of the discussion of an alternative.


#  This reminds me of Lev Landau, who said: 
"Cosmologists are often wrong, but never in doubt."

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