[ExI] commentary by one of ours

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 05:07:32 UTC 2011

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 10:07 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> Recommend stretching exercises: try to speak in such a way that if someone
> made a word for word transcript of your speech, it would make perfect sense
> in written form.  Try to read a transcript of most conversations, oy vey.
> Sentence fragments, jumpy subject, nothing that holds together well as a
> paragraph.  So work on it!  Work hard!  Get rid of all fillers such as the
> plethora of likes and you knows.  Or if you use fillers, have so many of
> them that you never use the same ones twice.  So erudite will you sound, and
> cause the proles to scramble for google to learn the definition of erudite
> and prole.

I think I would write more tersely than I speak: the whole paragraph
is visible in one chunk, while a stream of words tends to require some
resonance around an idea in order for it to be conveyed.  At least
that's how it seems when I find myself saying the same thing 3-4 times
until the listener gives some non-verbal indication they "got it."  I
know this is a cultural thing too though, so mileage my vary (or
[kilo]meterage for those using SI)

What about so-called talking with your hands?  It seems some
hand-waving helps the visual thinkers follow a 'line of thought'
through an idea 'space' if references are literally pointed to or
gestured-at while speaking.  I was recently called-out on this; I
assured her that while I could speak without gesticulating it would
probably take some of the life from my soliloquy [ok, rant].

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