[ExI] Organization to "Speed Up" Creation of AGI?

Kevin G Haskell kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 04:32:48 UTC 2011

On 12/18/12, 9:42, Anders Sanderberg wrote:

On 2011-12-18 07:51, Kevin G Haskell wrote:
> There are few organizations in the H+/AGI 'aware' communities that are
> dedicated to the idea of slowing down the creation of the AGI species,
> and Singularity, for the purposes of being "cautious" so that mankind
> isn't destroyed, or in some other way harmed, by the new species that we
> create.

>>I think that is a bit of misrepresentation. I can only speak for us at
>>FHI, but we would be fine with faster AGI development if we thought safe
>>AGI was very likely or we were confident that it would be developed
>>before AGI went critical. An early singularity reduces existential risk
>>from everything that could happen while waiting for it. It also benefits
>>existing people if it is a positive one.

If by misrepresentation, Anders, you think that I was including FHI in my
comments regarding the groups that I mentioned, I wasn't because I actually
wasn't aware of your group.  However, in light of your comments, I think I
now safely include your group among the "go slow 'just in case' group," and
also in light of your description of your group, I don't see how you
wouldn't include it in the other (as yet unnamed groups) I had mentioned,
or consider what I said as a misrepresentation. Individuals who are aware
of what is being developed fall into four categories: Those who want to
speed up the process, those who wish slow down the process to some degree,
those who wish to stop the process, and those who wish to reverse the

> Does anyone know of any presently existing private organizations that
> are dedicated to the idea of 'speeding' up the development of AGI and of
> achieving the Singularity as soon as possible?

>>Every single AGI company? OK, there aren't *that* many of them.

Regarding my question regarding "private organizations," I should have been
more clear.  What I meant by "private" wasn't meant as the equivalent of
"exclusive or hidden," but a group or "official" organization that is
openly advocating the "speeding of the development of AGI" that is not a
company, and is not publicly funded. An advocacy group with a webpage, if
you will.

(Capitalism, Health, Age-Reversal, Transhumanism, and Singularity.)

Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford University
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