[ExI] The Catholic Impact (was Re: Origin of ethics and morals)

Anders Sandberg anders at aleph.se
Fri Dec 23 14:27:51 UTC 2011

On 2011-12-23 14:37, Stefano Vaj wrote:
> This is why I suspect that injections of wage or non-wage immigrant
> slaves, as indesirable as they may be for entirely different reasons, do
> really very little for wobbly economies, unless perhaps in the very
> short term.

This, incidentally, might be a problem when AI or brain emulations 
appear. They make human capital very cheap, and might incentivize using 
more minds rather than to innovate.

Of course, AI and WBE might allow scaling up innovation too, in which 
case everything is fine. But if they don't do that immediately, then we 
might see some nasty social repercussions.

Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford University

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