[ExI] how did high heels happen?

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Dec 28 19:05:22 UTC 2011



From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of spike

>.This and the puzzling "sport" of bullfighting for instance are two
examples of what I will call the Reprehensible Principle: 


>.Just because we understand that we human brains have a reptilian core does
not cause us to cease having one.


>.No, scratch, I can do better than that.  Bullfighting is reptilian.
Fashion shoe attraction is mammalian.  Writing internet posts puzzling about
it is pure higher primate.. Spike



Oy, I retract this enthusiastically.  I regretted posting it almost
immediately after I hit send, for it comes too close to equating fashion
shoes with the utterly reprehensible notion of bullfighting, even after I
differentiated one as reptilian and the other as mammalian.  I am carefully
avoiding henceforth even discussing the distasteful bullfighting business,
for it is a particularly sore spot with me.  I am a big fan of mammals, warm
and fuzzy things are we, cuddly, soft.  But saying the other is reptilian
comes too close to excusing it, too much like, oh well, we evolved that way,
heh heh.


I have argued my way into a most uncomfortable corner.  I will not go there,
and will stay not there.  I insist, I demand, that we examine every human
behavior, and carefully differentiate between the mostly harmless mammalian,
such as fashion shoes, and the definitely harmful, such as sport killing,
and the mostly beneficial primate behaviors, such as empathy with other




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