[ExI] Anons

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 06:18:19 UTC 2011

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Amara D. Angelica <amara at kurzweilai.net> wrote:
> Kelly, I really love this traffic idea. Sort of an emergent order concept.

Here is the original article (I remember a few more pictures in the magazine)

> Would be fun to take it a step further and create a new kind of town with no
> defined roads, no sidewalks, information signals that combine to control
> computer-automated vehicles (supersedes driven cars and traffic signals) for
> people and machines that are generated by sensors for ad hoc movements of
> objects, wind, noise, thoughts ("I want to cross the street" -- I want to
> dance here now), deformable structures (car to building: "may I take a
> shortcut through you?"), instant 3D-printed structures that can be morphed
> into different purposes.... [pause to let someone else co-invent ...]

Blending car traffic with pedestrians is interesting... but I wouldn't
take it too far... :-)


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