[ExI] sound archive

Jebadiah Moore jebdm at jebdm.net
Sun Jan 2 01:47:00 UTC 2011

Not to detract from your main point (which I think is an interesting idea),
but I'm pretty sure those lighters didn't go away.  I remember seeing them
around my whole life, and I'm only 19; in fact, they were quite popular
among a number of boys, who would flip them open and closed constantly,
trying to perfect the act of flicking them open and lighting them in a
single fluid motion.

I've never heard of the brand Rossignol (which Google thinks is a winter
gear manufacturer)--perhaps you mean Ronson, which produces Ronsonol lighter
fluid (which is just naptha)?  Anyways, Ronson is now owned by Zippo, which
is the most common producer of these types of lighters (and in fact the name
Zippo has been genericized to mean all lighters of this type).  They're not
hard to find, either--I see them all the time at gas stations and drug
stores.  They're also frequently available at flea markets, carnivals,
fairs, gift stores, and other such places.  I'm guessing you can also get
them at most head shops and tobacco stores, though I haven't been to either
so I wouldn't know.

More to the point, there are a number of sound archives out there, although
I don't know of any (and couldn't quickly find) any with the specific
purpose you stated.  (This one even has the sound you're thinking of,
although it's not a free archive:
http://www.audiosparx.com/sa/search/home_srchpost.cfm?target=zippo).  Given
how many such recordings there are out there, it probably wouldn't be too
hard to put together a list of obsolete sounds; I suppose the difficult part
would be trying to remember sounds that don't happen any more, or thinking
of sounds that won't happen any more in the future.

Jebadiah Moore
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