[ExI] Fwd: "Transcending the Human, DIY Style"

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 22:24:57 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: phryk <phryk at phryk.net>
Date: Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Body Hacking] "Transcending the Human, DIY Style"
To: bodyhacking at lists.caughq.org

Well, I'm not Quinn or Todd, but I can say that the insertion of a
neodymium implant is virtually painless, if done in a professional
environment. It also doesn't affect me when typing stuff.

Since I'm pretty squeamish, I was scared shitless before the procedure
was done. I consulted Lepht before having it done, and the description
did not give me any better feeling (wording was something alike to
"They hurt like a fucker going in"), but since I wanted it real badly
I set a date for the implantation and went ahead. When it was done, I
was positively surprised as to how easy, painless and short the
procedure was. It was simply opening the finger, putting the implant in
and stitching it.

I could use my laptop keyboard on the same day, not using the finger
that got the implant. After about three days I slowly started to use
this finger again, and after 10 days, I could pull the strings and type
completely normal.

All in all, I'd do it again, (and propably will, since I got a
positive answer regarding spacial perception with multiple implants) and
recommend it to anyone interested in this.

Only con is the price, I paid 200€ for mine, but normal price should be
around 150€ I think. Since I don't really see any value in money, I'm
not minding that much, though ;)


http://phryk.net - eating your babies since 2009
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- Bryan
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