[ExI] Asimov's 90th today

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Mon Jan 3 01:58:43 UTC 2011

Spike wrote:

>I posted to him, but he was already too sick at that time to have much
>interest in communicating with his fan base.  I ended up naming my son after

Back in college, I chaired two sf conventions. The Guest of Honor of one was
Fred Pohl; the Fan Guest of Honor was Devra Langsam. I secretly called up
their best friends and asked them to write tributes for the con book. 
Fred Pohl's
best friend was Isaac, one of the two people he would admit was smarter than
he. (The other was Minsky.) He was delighted to have a chance to praise Fred.

I know a few women (including my mother) who he wrote dirty limericks
about. They all took every opportunity to recite their limerick. The most
challenging of these for Isaac was Audrey Likely, PR director for the
American Institute of Physics. He was proud of rhyming Audrey with bawdry
and tawdry.

-- David.

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