[ExI] Asimov's 90th today

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Mon Jan 3 02:43:01 UTC 2011

Spike wrote:

>OK so do relate your mother's limerick.  Pleeeeease?  {8-]

Sorry, no. Now that she's retired from Physics Today, she's working on her
memoirs from forty years in the forefront of science journalism, and it's
going there.

I've suggested that, since she's used to the rhythm of issue deadlines,
I set up a site for her where she could post each piece as she'd written it.
Then we could spread the word, and maybe draft some of her Laureate
pals to add their comments or guest-author.

It would build a buzz for the book, keep her impetus going, and potentially
be fun or lucrative by itself.

But she's still in the mindset of writing for paper. I'm building a 
set of Drupal
web sites though, including a blog or two for me, and maybe seeing them
up will start changing her mind.

-- David.

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