[ExI] Singletons

Anders Sandberg anders at aleph.se
Mon Jan 3 17:30:06 UTC 2011

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> The problem that the local rules cannot be static, if the underlying
> substrate isn't. And if there's life, it's not static. Unless the
> cop keeps beating you into submission every time you deviate from
> the rules. 

Which could be acceptable if the rules are acceptable. Imagine that 
there is a particular kind of physics experiment that causes cosmic 
vacuum decay. The system monitors all activity, and stomps on attempts 
at making the experiment. Everybody knows about the limitation and can 
see the logic of it. It might be possible to circumvent the system, but 
it would take noticeable resources that fellow inhabitants would 
recognize and likely object too.

Now, is this really unacceptable and/or untenable?

The rigidity of rules the singleton enforces can be all over the place 
from deterministic stimulus-responses to the singleton being some kind 
of AI or collective mind. The legitimacy can similarly be all over the 
place, from a basement accidental hard takeoff to democratic one-time 
decisions to something that is autonomous but designed to take public 
opinion into account. There is a big space of possible singleton designs.

> Let's look at a population of cultures the size of a galaxy. How do
> you produce an existential risk within a single system that can wipe 
> more than a stellar system? In order to produce larger scale mayhem
> you need to utilize the resources of a large number of stellar
> systems concertedly, which requires large scale cooperation of
> pangalactic EvilDoers(tm).

If existential risks are limited to local systems, then at most there is 
a need for a local singleton (and maybe none, if you like living free 
and dangerously).

However, there might be threats that require wider coordination or at 
least preparation. Imagine interstellar "grey goo" (replicators that 
weaponize solar systems and try to use existing resources to spread), 
and a situation of warfare where the square of number of units gives the 
effective strength (as per the Lanchester law; whether this is actually 
true in real life will depend on a lot of things). In that case allowing 
the problem to grow in a few systems far enough would allow it to become 
overwhelming. In this case it might be enough to coordinate defensive 
buildup within a broad ring around the goo, but it would still require 
coordination - especially if there were the usual kind of public goods 
problems in doing it.

Anders Sandberg,
Future of Humanity Institute
Philosophy Faculty of Oxford University 

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