[ExI] atheists declare religions as scams.

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Jan 8 01:08:04 UTC 2011

... On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
Subject: Re: [ExI] atheists declare religions as scams.

On 1/7/2011 12:39 PM, spike wrote:

>> If you refer to the story of Onan, his sin was not masturbation, but rather his intentionally failing to impregnate his late brother’s 
>> widow.  See Genesis 38:9...  Clearly this is a failing of any society and belief system that would propagate such an egregious notion.

>...I'm always amazed at how few biblethumpers seem to know this. I feel that they should insist that their male flock obey this instruction of the Creator and spend a lot of effort flocking their widows-in-law and raising their kids. It's not just a good idea, it's God's Law!...Damien Broderick

Hmmm, a good theologian who knows her shit could easily find a way out of this philosophical bind.  She would argue that while recognizing Onan's story refers to the screw-the-sister-in-law rule and even heaps scorn on one who disobeyed it, the actual command to impregnate one's brother's widow is not actually found anywhere in modern scriptures.  For that reason, we might extrapolate that it isn't applicable today.  

Further, there may have even been some logic in that notion in the old days, when women were not allowed to own property, as it was even in the west until surprisingly recently, and still is in some places today.  If Onan's sister in law had only daughters, he might have intentionally prevented her having a male heir, so that he (Onan) could inherit his brother's property.  

Another motive I thought of is that his sister-in-law was knockout gorgeous, and as long as she didn't conceive an heir, it was his fucking duty to keep trying.  And trying.  And trying.


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