[ExI] Reframing transhumanism as good vs. evil

Kevin Freels reasonerkevin at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 12 06:27:13 UTC 2011

Citizen heroics? Selfish geeks? You have it all wrong. Over a hundred people die 
every minute. Is that not the most disgusting and horrid thing you can imagine 
considering that with the right effort we could do away with that entirely? We 
have a goal to end death and suffering. What could be more heroic? It's so 
damned heroic that many people have trouble grasping the idea. :-)

From: AlgaeNymph <algaenymph at gmail.com>
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>; Humanity+ Discussion List 
<wta-talk at transhumanism.org>
Sent: Tue, January 11, 2011 2:14:33 PM
Subject: [ExI] Reframing transhumanism as good vs. evil

A while age in college, I was in a speech class where one of the things we did 
was have a group critique our ideas.  I had an idea to speak about 
transhumanism, to which one of my classmates rather indignantly asked me why I 
wanted to advocate biotech enhancement instead of medicine.

That's the problem we have.  Even when we're not seen as evil, we're seen as 
selfish nerds who are utterly indifferent to it.  The sad thing is I find myself 
almost believing this.  Causes that comedians can't brand as outright evil or 
obvious spin are pretty much about fighting evil and/or saving innocents.  
Citizen heroics, basically.

What kind of citizen heroics do *we* have?
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