[ExI] mass transit again

Alfio Puglisi alfio.puglisi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 09:46:46 UTC 2011

2011/1/8 spike <spike66 at att.net>

> This is an example of what I mentioned a few days ago about being a way
> bigger threat to society than is global warming, this bigger threat is feral
> humans:
> http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/07/station.videotaped.incident/index.html?hpt=T2
> Last week it was this:
> http://www.bradenton.com/2010/12/27/2837235/manatee-sheriff-couple-attacked.html
> It is a reason why I think most public transit notions are a dead end.
> Individual cars serve as suits of armor, providing a defensive barrier.

One can have a lot of legitimate reasons to prefer cars to public transit,
but safety is not really one of them. Car accidents cause about 6 million
injuries and 40,000 deaths per year in the US alone. People killed on mass
transit is a minuscule fraction of that, even correcting for the number
of travelers.

It could be that I am overly focused on the feral humans thing.

It appears so :-) Avoiding TV and sensationalist newspapers often helps, as
they paint a much more crime-filled picture than reality.

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