[ExI] google translator
spike66 at att.net
Tue Jan 18 19:44:39 UTC 2011
... On Behalf Of Mike Dougherty
Subject: Re: [ExI] google translator
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 9:17 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>> Sure, but of course they are not *my* proles...
>I attributed the term to you because you have used it here on several
occasions. I understand your intent and I still find it amusing every
{8^D Mike do tell me you have read Orwell's 1984, from which I borrowed the
term. If not, turn off the computer, get thee to the library forthwith me
>... though there's no intentionally derogatory form such as Prollack...
One may use derogatory terms if done respectfully, and one is derogging
oneself. One must be a member of the group being derogged. Otherwise, one
should always be rogatory. I try to rog others at every opportunity. We
should all strive to be rogmeisters, rogging others as we ourselves would be
>>>... one of my classmates expressed some resentment that "computers" were
"taking jobs away from people." I was horrified...
>> Before being horrified, consider they *are* taking some jobs from some
>Probably. I hope he sees that those people most likely to be displaced by
robots are those need most to avail themselves of higher education.
Ja. When you discuss this with your classmate, keep in mind those who have
children in college, a car payment and a mortgage. The bank wants their
money NOW, not when a prole finishes a new degree, which may or may not get
her a new job, but will definitely get her a deep pile of new debts.
Consider a phenomenon which you may never face, I hope not, where every
position you apply for you are told you are overqualified.
After a while the term overqualified starts to sound more and more like a
code word for "too old."
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