[ExI] Help with freezing phenomenon

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Jan 27 06:12:59 UTC 2011

... On Behalf Of spike

>...We could experiment with this theory by scavenging a couple of
magnetrons from two identical junky old microwave ovens.  I know how to
synchronize them and control their power...spike

After I wrote this, I thought of  better way to phase synchronize the
microwave beam.  Instead of trying to electronically phase synchronize two
beams, we could use a beam splitter, then send half the signal off in a
longer path than the other half, with the extra path length being an odd
integer multiple of the half wavelength of the original beam.

Max, shall I desist posting these notions forthwith?  Plopping this into the
public domain, we run the risk of some yahoo running to the patent office
with it, ja?



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