[ExI] Fw: Re: atheists declare religions as scams.
spike66 at att.net
Mon Jan 31 20:14:02 UTC 2011
>... On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
Subject: Re: [ExI] Fw: Re: atheists declare religions as scams.
2011/1/31 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
>> No that isnt the leading young-earther creationist theory John. The
>> theory is that humans carved the dinosaur skeletons out of stone and
>> assembled them as idols. Soon god saw this was a bad idea: some of
>> them might somehow be preserved, and way down in history, humans would
>> find them, and think they were the skeletons of ancient extinct beasts.
>...How do - or do, at all - the creationists deal with the fact that the
skeletons aren't, y'know, stone? Stone and fossilized bone aren't hard to
tell apart, and it's not like people back then knew how to make a single
large bone from many smaller ones when working with actual bone. (Even
today, it'd be a trick, though probably doable by certain labs.) spike
You ask too many questions, young man. It's turtles all the way down.
Creationist theory doesn't work for chemistry hipsters, physicists,
observant beast watchers, that sort. If one is all the above, well too bad
for that one, the flaming infidel.
Interesting experience: many years ago I was in the Petrified Forest museum
in Arizona with my wife's parents, both hard core creationists. There was
one dinosaur skeleton in there, a hadrosaur, not so huge, smaller than an
elephant. My father in law was explaining to me the notion of the ancient
idol makers carving these things out of stone. I looked carefully at that
skeleton, as closely as the rail would allow. The heel bones of that fossil
still had the attachment scars where the Achilles tendon attaches to the
bone. That marvelous fossil was preserved well enough to still see that! I
commented how marvelous it was that the artisans who crafted this idol paid
close enough attention to detail that they would carve an insertion scar on
a bone. Upon my pointing to this, he fled.
My mother in law would not venture anywhere near that dinosaur skeleton,
refused to go even within 20 meters of the beast. Wouldn't even look at it!
I spent nearly an hour studying that one exhibit. The others had their
lunch while waiting for me to tear myself away from that skeleton. You
would be amazed at how much you can learn if you really study the hell out
of a dinosaur skeleton. Those are very talkative fossils.
Many of you fly in and out of Chicago OHare. Next time you are there, stop
in terminal 1 just past the proctological exam, and really study that
Brachiosaurus. Don't just gawk like a prairie chicken, study it! STUDY!
Then come back and report what you learned please.
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