[ExI] Philanthropy

natasha at natasha.cc natasha at natasha.cc
Fri Jul 1 20:29:43 UTC 2011

Kelly, why don't you look beyond political borders?  Who gives a  
flying monkey's ass what the political party is - or ism?!  We have  
world problems to solve and need smart strategic thinking that  
arguably understands the transhumanist perspective.  Forgive me, but  
talking about libertarianism and/or Markism or socialism, etc. is so  
old world it causes my skin to crawl.  (Actually I would like my skin  
to crawl, but preferably with nanorobots rather than political  


Quoting Kelly Anderson <kellycoinguy at gmail.com>:

> Those who don't believe libertarianism can work often state that the
> richest among us are greedy. As a balance to that point of view, I
> respectfully submit this web site:
> http://www.givingpledge.org/
> It's an interesting concept. All of the people on this list are
> billionaires. I counted 69 people on the list and this is a pretty new
> idea.
> According to Forbes, there are just over 1000 billionaires world wide,
> 408 in America. Most of the people I recognized in the giving pledge
> list were Americans.
> http://www.rferl.org/content/Forbes_Rich_List_Number_Of_New_Billionaires_Reflects_Global_Recovery/1980413.html
> Interestingly, Carlos Slim, the new richest man in the world says he
> can do more good for the world in business than in philanthropy.
> Perhaps he is right. But the point is that it should be (and for now
> is) his choice how to use his money. He still thinks he's doing good
> in the world, and probably he is. Employing Mexicans in Mexico is
> probably a pretty good idea, honestly. :-)
> -Kelly
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