[ExI] AI Motivation revisited

john clark jonkc at bellsouth.net
Sat Jul 2 14:42:51 UTC 2011

 On Fri, 7/1/11, Mike Dougherty <msd001 at gmail.com> wrote:

"So what?  If google decided to make AGI the relevant keyword tomorrow
your "metric" would be inverted."
If that were to happen and so many people knew what the term meant that Steven Spielberg made a multimillion dollar blockbuster movie called "AGI", then the dilettantes would dream up yet another obscure term that they were certain was unknown by most because, as I've said before, when your ideas are shallow clarity of expression is not your friend.  
You don't like the term "AGI"?  No. 
Don't use it.
I don't.
If context requires a disambiguation between narrow AI, wide AI, some other kind of run-of-the-mill AI and the super-special kind of AI [...]
So you want us to believe that if you were to say something like "AI will likely bring on the extinction of biological human beings and lead to computers able to engineer the universe" you worry that people will misunderstand you and think you are referring to "run-of-the-mill AI", so purely in the interests of clarity you will use "AGI" instead, a recently made up term that virtually nobody is familiar with. I flat out don't believe you.

 John K Clark
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