[ExI] Natasha and Max - Apologies, but FB? (Kevin Haskell)

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue Jul 5 10:55:08 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jul 05, 2011 at 06:05:31AM -0400, Kevin Haskell wrote:
> Natasha and Max,

When you're writing to just Max and Natasha, why are you including
the mailing list?
> My sincere apologies if I didn't continue our correspondences.  It isn't for
> lack of desire, it is just that I've grown used to communicating via FB
> pages, and find the mailing list method a bit archaic. What I've been doing

Given that the walled garden model failed both with CompuServe and AOL
I find your choice of a doomed propretary model curious.

> is 'saving' the list discussions to involve myself for very last, after I've
> dealt with my FB page discusssions, for two reasons:
> First, because the comments in them/here are a highly relevant and necessary
> regarding the betterment of the human condition via technology, and second,
> because they don't have the "flow" of a FB discussion.  Because of this, I

The problem with the 'flow' that it's not part of the Internet. 
It's not self-archiving, doesn't offer full-text local searches
and has a business model based on selling you as a product.

> end up not 'getting into the flow' of the discussion that normally happens
> as second nature on Facebook, and the mailing list entries end up just
> sitting there in my email.  Then the order of the threads become
> discombobulated when I wait to answer.

Here's a nickel, kid. Get yourself a better mailer.
> So, I was wondering two things (and forgive me if I am re-hashing ground
> that may have been covered in here, already,) but would you (Natasha and
> Max,) be willing to entertain the idea of having me setting up an Extropy FB
> page as the primary source for your discussions, with the extropy mailing
> list being a back-up for everybody?  You both would be the main admins on
> the FB page, and whomever else you choose, and it could be directed
> specifically around the same Extropy discussions that go on within this
> extropy mailing list.  It would just be a lot clearer for everyone to get in
> on every discussion with more ease.
> The principles of Extropy, and rules of the group, would be listed in the
> 'documents' section that can be posted to the right of the FB page.  Anybody
> entering would know exactly what you both expect as soon as they enter, and
> it would be easily reachable by anyone in the "life-betterment and/or
> extention" groups that are on FB, as well as everyone subscribed to this
> list. You would have tight control on whomever you would allow in.
> I would just have to name it something other than simply 'extropy' because
> "Extropy" and "Extropianism" have been taken, but we could have it begin
> with one of those words so it could be easily searched.
> If you wanted, I could just set it up, we could invite everyone in now on
> this list, and you could take the reigns.  The reason I mention this is that
> the FB method is just so much more open, clear, and flexible.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
> Hope you don't mind the suggestion.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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