[ExI] Homelessness (was Re: Social right to have a living)

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 06:30:25 UTC 2011

 Spike wrote:

> If you want to see a number of people who have apparently come to this same
> conclusion and have incorporated old cars and vans into a living structure,
> go out south and east of Phoenix and Mesa Arizona.  There are hundreds of
> people who have set up a combination of car/lean-to arrangements and appear
> to be living out there.  It has been a long time since I have been down
> that
> way.  Have we any Phoenix-hipsters here who know if those extended squatter
> villages are still out that way?

I live in Mesa, but have never witnessed what you describe.  The heat and
sun here are brutal to the often exposed homeless, but at least they don't
have to fear freezing to death, like in some places.

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