[ExI] Suzanne Gildert on Hack the Multiverse!, OpenQwaq, July 31 2011, 10am PST
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 07:57:54 UTC 2011
Suzanne Gildert on Hack the Multiverse!, OpenQwaq, July 31 2011, 10am PST
Talk title: Hack the Multiverse!
Presented by: Dr. Suzanne Gildert
Quantum Computer Programmer (D-Wave Systems Inc.)
William Gibson famously said: “The future is already here — it’s just
not very evenly distributed.” The same is true of quantum computing.
This mysterious subject is often relegated to ivory tower discussions
and shrouded in a language of complex mathematics. Yet there are many
people out there who feel an itch to start hacking with quantum
computers — a desire to program the very fabric of reality — no matter
how early the adoption may seem.
This talk will be a call to arms — I’ll excite you about quantum
physics – our deepest understanding of the Universe. I’ll explain why
quantum computing is not as mysterious as everyone thinks. And I’ll
show you how to become a quantum computer programmer in less than 10
minutes… Join me for an hour of both deep learning and fun, as I
proudly stand up for those who are turning an abstract science into a
powerful computational resource, and deliver the message that quantum
computing is not spooky, it’s just misunderstood.
About the speaker: Dr. Suzanne Gildert is currently working at D-Wave
Systems, Inc. Suzanne obtained her PhD and MSci degree from The
University of Birmingham UK, focusing on the areas of experimental
quantum device physics and superconductivity.
OpenQwaq is one of the best 3D applications for telework, online
meetings, group collaboration, and e-learning in a virtual 3D
environment (v-learning). There are a limited number of seats
available, please contact us if you wish to attend. Join our mailing
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