[ExI] Philanthropy
Kelly Anderson
kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 21:39:05 UTC 2011
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote:
> Samantha wrote:
> On 07/01/2011 01:29 PM, natasha at natasha.cc wrote:
>> Kelly, why don't you look beyond political borders? Who gives a
> "Sometimes we need to talk about these things because it is obvious people
> still have a difficult time thinking about politics and economics in a sane
> way or even having a fruitful discussion with others on these
> topics. Granted the old labels are pretty useless. However the
> underlying issues are very much alive."
> Agreed and thus my email. It's time to take a Buckminster Fuller approach
> and start talking strategic insights that defuse borders that propagate
> dogmatic and restrictive thinking. Take postmodernism for example: while
> it has value for feminists, its rigidity is problematic. Take objectivists
> for example: while the theory has value for discerning issues of existence,
> its lack of objectivity is problematic. Take democracy for example: while
> the political perspective has value for the inclusive of all voices
> regardless of race, color, etc., its lack of logic is problematic. Take
> conservatism for example: while the ideological view has value for
> historical traditions, its lack of futurology is problematic. Take art for
> example: while the field has value for creatives, its lack of insight about
> the future is highly and unequivocally problematic.
> I have been saying this for 15 years on this list: if we want to be
> future-oriented about socio-political issues, then we need a new strategy.
The biggest problem America faces is that we don't have any REAL
choices. You can choose Republicrat A or Republicrat B. So I agree
that belief systems do need to be finer grained. But isms give you a
bit of a head start on what someone MOSTLY believes, and you can go
from there. Every system has some downsides, absolutely. It's just
that universal slavery never seemed all that appealing to me.
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