[ExI] Inevitability of the Singularity (was Re: To Max, re Natasha and Extropy (Kevin Haskell)

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 13:01:48 UTC 2011

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Global warming can push 2 gigapeople over the brink of starvation.
> This will trigger migrations and wars, including wars with the potential
> to turn nuclear. (But, hey, what is a nuclear war compared to burning
> issues the "teh economy"?)
> This is not a financial or even economic crisis. It is far, far worse.
> We're facing a systemic crisis through confluence of some ten factors,
> but the core driver behind all these is overshoot. This is serious,
> and it needs to be addressed three to four decades ago.
> Climate change is only one aspect of overshoot, and even there you're completely
> ignoring major issues like precipitation shifts and food crop loss
> leading to starvation and war, ocean acidification and anoxification
> with further degradation of sea ecosystem and food web, infrastructure
> destruction due to extreme weather events and multiple other factors
> which we'll learn as the situation develops.

So, apart from that, we'll be OK then????


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