[ExI] Wikipedia - Need Information about Editing Picture
nymphomation at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 00:31:07 UTC 2011
2011/7/10 <natasha at natasha.cc>:
> Hi all,
> I have a question: how do I edit the picture someone put on my Wikipedia
> page to remove the text? Someone recently added a profession for me which
> is not accurate. I tried to change it but I cannot find how to edit the
> text added to an image.
> I appreciate your help.
Click on 'Edit', top right of the page, between 'Read' & 'View History'?
Seems to work..
Heavy splashings,
Thee Nymphomation
'If you cannot afford an executioner, a duty executioner
will be appointed to you free of charge by the court'
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