[ExI] the myth of the US "liberal media"

Mr Jones mrjones2020 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 02:09:59 UTC 2011

On Jul 9, 2011 11:44 AM, "Richard Loosemore" <rloosemore at susaro.com> wrote:
> Max More wrote:
>> Your argument -- "garbage" -- is very impressive.
>>  What Samantha said is not garbage at all. For those willing to look, the
evidence is all around. It's especially abundant in the areas of climate
change and nutrition.
>>  But, go ahead, nationalize (monopolize) all the media and then see how
much freedom of speech remains. Because that's always worked so well in the
> The word "garbage" was the opening summary, it was not the argument.  If
you had read a few more words you would have seen the argument.
> You made no attempt to address the information I gave following the word
> Instead, you just waved your hands.
> Now get down to the facts.  The BBC is government funded.  It has some
grave shortcomings, but it is also credited as being one of the most
valuable, unbiased news sources to billions of people around the world.
> In addition, the organization that committed the offence that John Pilger
referred to -- the censorship -- was NOT government funded.
> On both counts, no evidence that government funded media is the source of
the problem in the article by John Pilger.
> That makes Samantha's complaint garbage, since it pointed the finger at
goverment funded media, contra the two pieces of evidence I gave.
> Now, on a more general level, yes, government funded media in many
countries is pure propaganda.  But completely non-government-funded media
(e.g. Fox) is also pure propaganda.  My point is that there is no strong
correlation:  you can have the one with, or without, the other.

Yes, and the real kicker is...blaming government for our woes conveniently
leaves out the fact, that our government sucks because it's sold out it's
population for less than half a billion dollars, to the big moneyed
interests who'd supposedly do a much better job if there just were no pesky
middle man to pay off.
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