[ExI] Global Surface Temps Unchanged Ffrom 98 to 08?

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 18:15:50 UTC 2011

2011/7/10 Kevin Haskell <kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com>:
> Perhaps there is some honesty shining through about the "Global Warming"
> BS.
> http://www.facebook.com/l/4AQAsWRoBAQB7mTEVaZ6i2BAKj7ydrFBhZ0DQaOtBEYrsUg/wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/pnas-201102467.pdf

The global warming apologists claim that the lack of a change in
global warming over this decade is explained by the increased
particulate matter emitted by China in their dash to use coal on a
massive scale.

So, either, they are right, or global warming is a religion. The
global warming apologists remind me so much of the religious
apologists, that it makes it seem less scientific. Whether it is or is
not is probably largely dependent upon the specific scientist. The big
problem is if some scientist is sincere in his quest for the truth, he
may inadvertently use data coming from a scientist with less sincerity
towards science. I would like to think that most GW scientists are
sincere, but it is at least provable that some have not been. And that
is a data point that will be beaten to death by the anti-global
warming crowd.

What is not up for debate in my mind is what we should do about the
whole thing. Carbon credits is just a way to make the rich richer, and
the poor poorer, while at the same time siphoning money from the
developed world to the developing world. That solution is too
"convenient" as it supports an existing agenda. If Al Gore weren't
making so much money off of his voluntary carbon credit system, I
would be slightly more inclined to listen to him. But the man is
clearly a politician first, and as a scientist, he has very limited
credibility. In a way, it's too bad that he is the front man for
global warming, if it is true that it is happening, is man caused, and
is reversible. Seems to me that the global warming crowd needs a new
spokesperson who is actually a scientist.


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