[ExI] seamless uploading
Jeff Davis
jrd1415 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 02:00:06 UTC 2011
I want to apologize if this post here is a case of "Well, duh!". You
know, obvious to all except me, and I'm just catching up now.
I was reading this piece from Brian Wang's Blog, Next Big Future:
How long until there is a significantly independent robot economy and
how quickly could computer brain interfaces improve ?
Focusing on the brain interface aspect, Brian provides the following:
Kyle [Munkittrick] recently made the case for a Cybernetic Singularity
"The Singularity should be re-imagined as a cybernetic process in
which the human mind is progressively augmented with better and more
complimentary artificial left-brain capacities. The Singularity will
be the perfection of the mind-computer interface, such that where the
mental processes of the human right-brain ends and the high-powered
computer left-brain ends will be indistinguishable both externally by
objective observation and internally by the subjective experience of
the individual. I call this event the Cybernetic Singularity."
Then Brian continues:
"If we get enough memory and a high traffic wetbrain to computer brain
connection so that there is a shared consciousness from the wetbrain
with the added part. Then over days/months and years there is
consciousness over both parts. Memory and visual stimuli spanning both
systems and we can ensure thorough copying and duplication."
[Here I paraphrase Brian's text]: If then you suffer a "shutoff"(as
used below) of the wetbrain, consciousness and identity continue, and
you achieve a full and seamless upload (ie transfer of consciousness).
"By being able to have consciousness span current brain and new brain
for a sufficient period of time and having real time consciousness
operating throughout the upload and eventual shutoff there would be
less issue over is consciousness preserved."
The article and its links provide a wealth of info showing just how
far along this process has advanced.
Over the years the list has hashed and rehashed -- delightfully -- the
upload and its related identity issue(s). Brain scanning of the
biological self followed by transfer into an alternative substrate --
"cloned" or manufactured biological, android cybernetic, or pure boxed
computronium. This is the first time I have encountered an upload
scenario that feels like a real world real tech roadmap. Persuasively
Reminiscent of a short-story fragment posted to the list In 98 or 99
by Anders, about a cybernetically "connected" individual who
experiences a sense of severe intellectual deficit when his machine
connection goes down. That was however a case of computer brain
crash, rather than wet brain "retirement".
Over the years I have repeatedly expressed my utter delight at living
in and witnessing this juggernaut of science and technology. Not just
reading and dreaming about what might be possible, but actually
watching the wonders of imagination tumble forth into reality. Each
time, I thought to myself that the pace would remain more or less the
same, and that I could handle it, could absorb it. By which I mean
superficially, to be sure. Now things are coming at me so fast I
can't keep up, not even superficially.
Anyone else feel similar? What about you younger folks (I'm
sixty-two, now. How the hell did that happen?! I don't feel
sixty-two)? Do you feel more in synch, more in control?
Best, Jeff Davis
"My guess is that people don't yet realize how
"handy" an indefinite lifespan will be."
J Corbally
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